AStA meeting
At our weekly meetings we discuss the work of the different departments, make decisions and discuss current topics. In addition, the representatives of the Equal Opportunities Office (GSP), the Anti-racism Office (ARS) and the Foreigners’ Representation (AV) present their work.
Our meetings are generally open to all students and take place on Thursdays from 2.30 pm hybrid via Zoom and in the conference room of the AStA. You can find the preliminary agenda here (only in German).
All RWTH students are welcome to attend our sessions and take part in the discussion!
Protocols of AStA meetings
You can view current protocols in our Protocol system. Important: For access to work, you must be in the university network (eduroam, institute networks, …). External access is possible via the RWTH-VPN.
Unfortunately, for technical reasons, access is currently only available from the AStA network; we are already working on a solution to the problem. Minutes can be viewed during opening hours in our office.