Department for Public Relations & Political Education

Saskia Schall 

Hey, I’m Saskia and I’m your contact person for public relations and political education here at the AStA. Together with my team, I take care of representing the AStA appropriately on the Instagram and Facebook platforms as well as on our website.

In addition to our social media presence, we are also responsible for handling press inquiries and working on various publications.

Our focus is on keeping you up to date at all times. On our Instagram account @astarwth, we inform you about current events, general aspects of student life and topics relevant to university politics.

In the area of political education, we are committed to a diverse and relevant culture of discussion. Among other things, we plan and organize panel discussions on current political topics. The culture of remembrance is particularly close to our hearts. We want to make an active contribution to ensuring that the significance and reappraisal of the past is present and firmly anchored in our university environment.

We want to enable you to engage with various topics beyond your studies. We want to offer an open platform that allows you to get actively involved and help shape the future.

Project Managers

  • Paul Sonnleitner (Stabsstelle political education)
  • Luisa Hensel (political education)
  • Fynn Grünwald (Culture of remembrance)
  • Falk Sternagel (Event technology)
  • Aras Osso (political education)
  • Patricia Rabberger (political education)


  • Noëmi Preisler (Stabsstelle Design and Public Relations)
  • Luan Shkurti (Campaigns and communication)
  • Lotta Sänger (Public Relations)
  • Yassmine Kardoudi (Public Relations)
  • Nathalie Korpok (Public Relations)
  • Michel Dappen (Website)


Telefone: 0241 80-93792 (Secretariat


Name abbreviations for editorial contributions

The names of the authors will be mentioned with their abbreviations under the respective editorial contributions in press releases and on the AStA’s social media channels.

jt, Julia Thyrann

mda, Michael Dappen

lst, Leif Steinhagen

ls, Luan Shkurti

kh, Karl Hammer

lh, Lukas Hammerschick

ag, Antonia Görtz

ns, Niklas Schumacher

al, Antonia Leue

sr, Silas Ritz

jg, Janina Gold

ao, Aras Osso

nko, Nathalie Korpok

sro, Simon Roß

sas, Saskia Schall

sp, Sven Pollmann

sh, Sönke Hebing

az, Ana Zhivkova

ol, Ole Lee

lsd, Lukas Schnelle

fg, Fynn Grünwald

of, Orpha Fiedler

fw, Florian Winkler

yk, Yassmine Kardoudi

np, Noëmi Preisler

ml, Mаrco Leоnhardt

mw, Moritz Weber

lvh, Luisa Hensel

ps, Paul Sonnleitner

mb, Mareike Berkner

cc, Colin Cole

tj, Theresa Janning

mt, Marie-Theres Tschauner

los, Lotta Sänger

ak, Annika Knörr