Department for Public Relations & Political Education

Paul Sonnleitner
Hey, I’m Paul, the new public relations and political education officer. Me and my team in Public Relations are responsible for representing the AStA on social media and the website and answering press inquiries. We inform the student body about current events, general aspects of student life and topics relevant to university politics. I am particularly keen to focus more on support services for students, such as the AStA’s social, teaching and legal advice.
Together with my team in the PoBi, we regularly organize events on current political topics and develop content on the RWTH’s culture of remembrance. Unfortunately, a lot has been left undone in the culture of remembrance recently due to vacancies, including the student parliament’s memorial proposal, which I would like to tackle during my term of office. If you have any questions, criticism or suggestions, please contact us at any time!
Project Managers
- Azra Bingöl
- Saskia Schall (Stabstelle für Öffentlichkeitsarbeit)
- Lotta Sänger (Öffentlichkeitsarbeit)
- Yassmine Kardoudi (Öffentlichkeitsarbeit)
- Nathalie Korpok (Öffentlichkeitsarbeit)
- Michel Dappen (Webseite)
Telefone: 0241 80-93792 (Secretariat
Name abbreviations for editorial contributions
The names of the authors will be mentioned with their abbreviations under the respective editorial contributions in press releases and on the AStA’s social media channels.
jt, Julia Thyrann
mda, Michael Dappen
lst, Leif Steinhagen
ls, Luan Shkurti
kh, Karl Hammer
lh, Lukas Hammerschick
ag, Antonia Görtz
ns, Niklas Schumacher
al, Antonia Leue
sr, Silas Ritz
jg, Janina Gold
ao, Aras Osso
nko, Nathalie Korpok
sro, Simon Roß
sas, Saskia Schall
sp, Sven Pollmann
sh, Sönke Hebing
az, Ana Zhivkova
ol, Ole Lee
lsd, Lukas Schnelle
of, Orpha Fiedler
fw, Florian Winkler
yk, Yassmine Kardoudi
ml, Mаrco Leоnhardt
mw, Moritz Weber
lvh, Luisa Hensel
ps, Paul Sonnleitner
mb, Mareike Berkner
tj, Theresa Janning
mt, Marie-Theres Tschauner
los, Lotta Sänger
ak, Annika Knörr