Department for Education & University Communication

The department is currently without an advisor, so it is coordinated by three project managers. So if you have any questions about teaching and university communication and are unsure who to contact, simply write to and your request will be forwarded to the right person.

General tasks

  • Karl Kühne


  • Magdalena Ingendoh


  • Dominik Kubon

In the area of teaching, the team works to significantly improve your everyday study life and to design contemporary study formats together with the student councils. Together, we pay attention to the evaluation of study programs, quality assurance and examination planning at RWTH. We are also happy to inform you about your rights and advise you on more complex individual cases. If you have any questions about the overarching examination regulations, you are very welcome to contact us!


  • Jasmine Morawietz – Stabsstelle 
  • Felix Naal


  • Karina Unger
  • Vera Gräf
In the area of university communication, we network the student body and its committees with each other as well as with many other universities in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany and Europe. My department therefore also makes an essential contribution to the external image of the student body and to the global partnerships of our university.


  • Ira Lenau
  • Niloufar Badkoubeh


  • Dominik Kubon (Systemakkreditierung)
  • Magdalena Ingendoh (Digitale Lehre)
  • Karl Kühne (Lernräume)
If you have any problems, requests or simply need to talk about teaching, the study and examination situation or committees at the RWTH, please contact us at or drop by the AStA yourself during our consultation hours!

Contact from the department

Telephone: 0241 80-93792 (Sekretariat)