• Anywhere
  • Applications have closed

The Public Relations Office is looking for a project manager for the AStA website.  

If you are interested in volunteering for the student body and enjoy WordPress and website design, then the Public Relations Department is the right place for you.  

What tasks await you?  

  • Maintaining and managing the public appearance of the AStA  
  • Designing the AStA website  
  • The opportunity to work on exciting projects and ideas   

What experience do you have?  

  • Creativity  
  • Reliability  
  • Be a registered student at RWTH Aachen University  
  • Optional: Experience with WordPress and website work  

What do we offer?  

  • A dedicated team  
  • An opportunity to volunteer  
  • A look behind the scenes of the university  

If you are interested, please contact us by 01/09/2023. with an email to oeffentlichkeit@asta.rwth-aachen.de for an interview/with a short letter of motivation.