Contribution free attempt rule SoSo23 (§ 14 para. 3a ÜPO)

In general, one has three free attempts that can be claimed during the bachelor. Free attempts do not apply to the master, nor to master preferences or requirements. In addition, the exams must be taken during the first three university semesters (not subject semesters) for the free attempt rule to apply. The exam then counts as a no-show, so the attempt is completely cancelled. A ‘no-show’ or attempted cheating cannot be cancelled, so you must urgently sign out of the exam if you do not show up. The 3rd attempt also cannot be cancelled if you wish to apply for or have already taken a supplementary oral exam.

In order for the free attempt rule to take effect, you must actively apply to the ZPA and, if necessary, submit a current certificate of study. The deadlines for an application are:

For the winter semester: May 15
For the summer semester: 15 November