Veranstaltungsangebot Fraunhofer Aachen: Hackathon »#hackingforfuture – Empowering the Production of Tomorrow«

You are studying computer science, engineering, communication design or a similar course and want to show your skills?
Regis-ter now for our hackathon and look forward to a varied weekend full of challenges, networking and exciting insights into our work!

Togeth-er with our staff and our industry partners, you will face the challenges of digital transfor-mation of production and use your coding knowledge, technical skill and team spirit to solve them. We provide you with various tasks on the topics of machine learning, optical character recognition, predictive energy, and the IoT communication stack. The best teams will be honored!

Date: May 5 – 7, 2023 // INC Invention Center, Campus-Boulevard 30, 52074 Aachen

Further information and registration:

We look forward to your applications!

Die Veranstaltung ist beendet.


05 - 07 Mai 2023


6:00 - 14:00


Campus-Boulevard 30
Campus-Boulevard 30, 52074 Aachen


International Center for Networked, Adaptive Production ICNAP



Mo.-Fr.: 10-14 Uhr

Pontwall 3
52062 Aachen

Aktuell bieten wir unsere Services und Beratungen vor Ort, telefonisch und per Mail an.

AStA Fahrradwerkstatt

Mo. – Do.: 15 – 19 Uhr
C.A.R.L. – Fahrradkeller

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